These are stand-alone stories. You don’t have to read them in chronological order for them to make sense. If you do read them all, though, you will find little threads connecting one book to another and this is how they would fit on a timeline. All are available for Kindle.
Over-all Chronological List
- Noah *
- Overstreet – books 1-9 *
- A Hand With Women *
- Young Texas Ranger series (3 books out so far in the series about Ira Pearson’s young days)
- Six Men Dead (an Ira “Doc” Pearson tale) *
- The Anson-Parker War (an Ira “Doc” Pearson tale) *
- Shootout at the Federal Courthouse (an Ira “Doc” Pearson story) *
- Rash Pargun: Gunfighter (5 books in series so far, final book coming in May ’24)
- The Body in the Floor (an Ira “Doc” Pearson story) *
- The Nice Guy *
- Hating God – a love story *
- The Return of the Nice Guy *
- Medicine Park *
- Joyfully Ever After
- Up to Bat *
- Last at Bat *
- Cheerleader, Gymnast, Flautist, Spy * [now available on audio!]
- So Many Books
- Death Among Friends *
- Toltec Mountain *
- First Time (this book could also be listed second, due to the parts of it that Garison spends in the 1700s) *
- The Woman Caught
- Saving Time *
- A Star Falls on Oklahoma *
- Lost Time (this one could go after the westerns as much of it takes place in the 1940s, but it needs to go after the other Fitch books) *
- Ghosts of Families Past *
- The Dumbest Planet in the Universe *
- All the Time in Our World *
- Some of the Time *
- TimeKeeperS *
- TimeKeeperS – Rectification *
- TimeKeeperS – Restoration *
- Ashes to Ashes: The Last Valley – Book 1 *
- Crazy on the Mountain: The Last Valley – Book 2 *
- Book of Tales: The Last Valley – Book 3 *
- NoinĂ©’s Child – Martyr’s Fire – Book One *
- Noine’s Prayer – Martyr’s Fire – Book Two
- Noine’s Eyes – Martyr’s Fire – Book Three *
- The Turtle – a parody * [now available on audio!]
- A Thousand Miles Away *
* available in paperback
The Bat Garrett Novels (Detective Stories)
- The Nice Guy
- The Return of the Nice Guy
- Up to Bat
- Last at Bat
- Cheerleader, Gymnast, Flautist, Spy
- Death Among Friends
- Toltec Mountain
- Ghosts of Families Past
- TimeKeeperS
- TimeKeeperS: Rectification
The Legend of Garison Fitch (Time Travel)
Edward & Marianne (Fantasy)
Mended Lives (Christian)
- Hating God – love story
- Medicine Park
- Joyfully Ever After
- So Many Books
- The Woman Caught
- A Star Falls on Oklahoma (if you have read this one, and liked it, make sure you read “Ghosts of Families Past”)
- Overstreet (books 1-9)
- Young Texas Ranger series (3 books)
- A Hand With Women
- Six Men Dead
- The Anson-Parker War
- Shoot-out at the Federal Courthouse
- Rash Pargun: Gunfighter (series)
- The Body in the Floor
In the Order they were Written (which is not the order in which they were published)
- Overstreet (books 1-9)
- All the Time in Our World
- The Nice Guy
- Up to Bat
- Last at Bat
- First Time
- Hating God – a love story
- Death Among Friends
- Saving Time
- Lost Time
- Medicine Park
- Joyfully Ever After
- So Many Books
- The Woman Caught
- Some of the Time
- The Return of the Nice Guy
- A Star Falls on Oklahoma
- A Thousand Miles Away
- TimeKeeperS
- Cheerleader, Gymnast, Flautist, Spy
- Toltec Mountain
- TimeKeeperS: Rectification
- Ghosts of Families Past
- Ashes to Ashes – The Last Valley Book 1
- Crazy on the Mountain – The Last Valley Book 2
- Book of Tales – The Last Valley Book 3
- Noah
- A Hand with Women
- Six Men Dead
- The Anson-Parker War
- The Turtle – a parody
- The Dumbest Planet in the Universe
- TimeKeeperS – Restoration
- Shootout at the Federal Courthouse
- Noine’s Child – Martyr’s Fire – Book 1 * (also in hardback!)
- Martyr’s Fire 2
- Martyr’s Fire 3
- The Body in the Floor
- Rash Pargun: Gunfighter (series- last one coming in May ’24)
- Young Ira Pearson (series)
- Dead Born – an Ira Pearson story (coming … maybe